If you are a resident of Missouri who is over 50 and considering a divorce, you are not alone. Gray divorce has continued to increase even when the divorce rate for younger couples has decreased. Of particular concern are the financial consequences of ending long-term...
Month: August 2022
Divorce, moving out, and stress
For Kansas City couples going through a divorce, one of the trickiest questions is whether or not to move out of the shared house. Divorce is already extremely stressful, and moving out can multiply that stress. Whether to move out When a couple lives together and...
When can grandparents get visitation rights in Missouri?
Grandparents in Missouri only want to spoil their grandchildren and give them the best. They are also entitled to visitation in certain situations. It’s important to understand the state’s laws on these matters. When can grandparents request visitation with their...
What does a certified financial divorce analyst do?
Although many Missouri couples marry thinking they’ll live happily ever after, that doesn’t always happen. Divorce can occur for a number of reasons. While going through a split, some couples can benefit from working with a certified divorce financial analyst. What is...