When it comes to making a will, most parents want to ensure that all children are treated equally. As such, parents will typically provide for the equal distribution of their estate amongst their children. So how does this equal division actually occur? The equal...
Firm News
Protecting Your Business During a Divorce
You’ve invested endless energy and money into your business, and now you fear that your spouse will take your life’s work away from you. Whether you own your business independently or jointly with your spouse, now that you have made the decision to divorce, you need...
Property Management Requirements in Missouri
Managing property can be a lucrative and rewarding career. However, if you want to manage property in Missouri, there are certain requirements by law that you must meet. Whether you need a Missouri real estate broker’s license to manage property depends upon the...
Do You Need a Guardianship?
A legal guardian is a person appointed by the court to undertake responsibility for someone who is unable to take responsibility for himself. The person over whom a guardianship is sought is known as a ward. A ward may be either a child under the age of 18, an adult...
The Mailbox Rule
Homeowners associations (HOAs) are bound to provide notice of delinquency of HOA fees to homeowners and condominium owners before taking legal action to collect or placing a lien on the property. Many homeowners try to claim they never received proper notice from the...
Legal Options For Commercial Landlords
As a commercial landlord, you likely manage a variety of tenant issues on a daily basis. Under Missouri law, what powers do you have to enforce your rights? Well, when it comes to legal actions, you have a number of options. First, you have the right to file for...
Is Your Home Business Compliant with Zoning Laws?
Have you ever checked your local county or city clerk’s office to review your area’s zoning laws? Most people haven’t ever done so, but if you run a business out of your home it’s important that you know the local zoning laws. If your business is not in compliance,...
What Happens if I Die Without a Will?
When an individual dies without a will, he or she is said to have died “intestate.” Intestacy laws stipulate how property will be divided when one dies without a will. How property passes differs, depending on whether the decedent left a surviving spouse or surviving...
Who Gets the House?
Arguments over who gets the house have delayed the finalization of many divorces. After children and pets, homes evoke the most emotion in divorcing couples, and fights over who gets to keep the house after a divorce can get downright irrational. It’s important to...
What is a No-Fault Divorce?
If you are a Missouri resident, you may be aware that Missouri is a modified no-fault divorce state. So what does this really mean? It generally means that couples seeking a divorce in Missouri are not required to prove misconduct by their spouse to obtain a divorce....